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HeyCharge solves EV charging cost and reliability issues with Bluetooth communication, ensuring a seamless user experience anywhere.

Founding date


Number of employees


How would you explain your business model?

HeyCharge provides SecureCharge technology through turnkey hardware/software and a toolkit for customizable solutions. Our main customers are charging operators facing cost and reliability issues with current EV charging connectivity. We also operate a successful EV charging business targeting real estate operators with underground parking in Germany, showcasing our technology’s ability to enhance user experience and improve the economics of EV charging -- especially underground!

What makes your idea unique compared to your competitors?

We re-engineered the entire EV charging ecosystem, creating integrated hardware, software, and management systems. Our platform offers turnkey solutions and customizable toolkits, including SDKs for apps, HDKs for chargers, and retrofit solutions for existing infrastructure, setting us apart with unmatched flexibility and innovation. Only with this audacity could we achieve the impact potential that we now able to flex.

Where do you see your company in the next 5 years?

We want to be at the center of every EV charging transaction globally, powering a mix of "pure offline" and "hybrid offline/online" chargers with our technology. We have the potential to transformatively change the unit economics of EV charging, enabling scale and rollout to people and places that might not otherwise receive EV charging in the near term. At the same time, we can make the user experience 100% reliable, even for users in places with infrastructure and connectivity challenges.

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