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  • Alexander Junge

  • bp pulse
  • General Manager Central Europe

As bp pulse’s GM Central Europe Alex leads the team which builds and runs the EV charging business of bp pulse and Aral pulse in Germany and other Central European countries. The business includes charging on the go at Aral sites and at other destinations like REWE supermarkets, Burger King restaurants and greenfield gigahub sites.

Alex has a broad experience. Before his current role Alex was Global Director, Advanced Mobility Services and took care of future mobility topics like the advent of autonomous cars and their impact on bp’s business.

Previously he had served as Managing Director and leader of one of the four regions in Air BP’s global aviation fuels business, as Managing Director at HGM Energy, Germany, and as Director Commodity Markets at Société Générale, France, and had worked in a number of key positions at Lufthansa’s Corporate Fuel department as well as at ExxonMobil.

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